LATEST UPDATES 23rd Semester 2021 – Odisha Subordinate Service Selection Commission Revenue Inspector Result/Merit list/ Cut off 2021 will be release very soon on the official website.

Odisha Subordinate Service Selection Commission Revenue Inspector Result/ Score Card 2021 – An Overview
Hiring Organization | Odisha Subordinate Service Selection Commission |
Known As | OSSSC |
Name of the Post | Revenue Inspector (Contractual) |
Number of Vacancies | 586 Posts |
Selection Process | Written Exam Skill Test |
Job Category | Government Jobs |
Location | Odisha |
Employment Type | Full Time |
Result Declaration Date | Available Soon |
Official Website | |
Odisha Sub Ordinate Service Selection Commission has successfully conducted the written exam for the post of Revenue Inspector (Contractual)
The exam was of objective type and the questions were in the form of Multiple Type Choice Questions. There were two papers in this examination. Total number of questions in this exam were 200 questions. Maximum marks for this exam were 400 marks. Every question will be of 2 marks. Time allocated for this exam will be of 2 hours for each exam. There was a negative marking of 0.5 marks for attempting the wrong answers. Check the other details from here.
OSSSC Result 2021- Download,in RI Exam Dates 2021
The Higher Officials have released a new notification to hire the contenders for the post of Revenue Inspector in Odisha Subordinate Service Selection Commission. The candidates who are eagerly looking for new jobs in the Odisha Region can use this opportunity and apply to Odisha Revenue Inspector jobs before the closing date ends. After the closing date of the application form, the Higher Officials will first announce the Odisha SSSC RI Admit Card 2021, on the hall ticket of the OSSSC RI Exam. Contenders find the exam date and the venue information on the scheduled date, the higher officials will conduct the written exam to all the applicants.
After the completion of Odisha SSSC Revenue Inspector Exam 2021, the Higher Officials will then declare OSSC RI answer keys 2021.These Odisha RI answer Keys will help the applicants to check the correct solutions to the questions asked in the examination. The Higher Officials will use these Odisha SSSC answer keys for correcting the answer sheets of the examination. And issue Odisha SSSC RI Merit List 2021. Odisha SSSC Revenue Inspector Merit List download procedure is provided here. Check out the simple steps to get Odisha Subordinate Service Selection Commission Revenue Inspector cut off marks/ score card 2021 online.
Odisha SSSC Revenue Inspector Result/Merit List 2021 Download Procedure.
- First of all, visit the official website of OSSSC
- Click on the Results tab from the home page
- Add the details correctly in the dorm
- After that click on the submit button here
- Now you can find your Odisha SSSC Revenue Inspector Result 2021
- Keep a hard copy for further reference.
Download OSSSC Revenue Inspector Result 2021 : Available Shortly
Official Website / OSSSC Revenue Inspector Result 2021